
Showing posts from 2019
ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL, GOLCONDA WORKSHEET (FACTORS AND MULTIPLES) SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS                                                                                    CLASS: V 1. If one number divides exactly into             another with no remainder, we say the second number is a multiple of the first number Eg.   6 divides exactly into 12, therefore 12 is a multiple of 6.        5 divides exactly into 45, therefore 45 is a multiple of 5. Which of these statements are true and which are false? (put a tick mark for true and cross for false) a) 16 is a multiple of 4                                     b) 42 is a multiple of 7 c) 15 is a multiple of 2                                     d) 100 is a multiple of 3 e) 40 is a multiple of 4 and 10                         f) 27 is a multiple of 3 and 9 2. Write three multiples of 7 smaller than 50.    ______________________________ 3.   Circle the multiples of 6.    -    23,    50,        48,        24,        67,